SUZUKI Ikuno | Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Sakai Kazuo
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Suzuki Ikuno
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Suzuki Ikuno
Bio-sci. Dept. Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry.
ODA Takeshi
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Oda Takeshi
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Oda T
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Sakai Kazuo
Low Dose Rad. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Hoshi Yuko
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Hoshi Yuko
Hoshi Yuko
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry.
野村 大成
Nomura Taisei
大阪大学 医学系研究科生体制御医学専攻遺伝医学
Nomura T
Department Of Radiation Biology Osaka University Medical School
Nomura Taisei
Dept. Radiat. Biol. Med. Gen. Grad. Sch. Med. Osaka Univ.
Iwasaki Toshiyasu
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Iwasaki Toshiyasu
NOMURA Takaharu
Low Dose Radiation Research Center, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry
Nomura Taisei
Dept. Of Radiat. Biol.
Iwasaki T
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Nomura Takaharu
Low Dose Radiation Research Center Central Research Institute Of Electric Power Industry
Nanmori Takashi
Department Of Animal Science Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Kobe University
INA Yasuhiro
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Ina Yasuhiro
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Makino Nao
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
HAYASHI Tomonori
Dept. Radiobiology RERF
Hayashi Tomonori
Dept. Of Radiobiology Radiation Effects Res. Found
Iwasaki Toshiyasu
Low Dose Rad. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
YAMADA Takeshi
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Central Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Central Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Yamada T
National Cancer Center Res. Inst. Tokyo Jpn
Bio-Sci. Dept., Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry.
Bio-Sci. Dept., Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry.
AMANO Futaba
Bio-Sci. Dept., Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry.
Amano Futaba
Bio-sci. Dept. Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Bio-Sci Dept., Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
IWASAKI Toshiyasu
Bio-Sci Dept., Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Tanooka Hiroshi
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Yamada Takeshi
Biol. Med. Tohou Univ.
Yamada Takeshi
Toho Univ. Sch. Med
Yamada Takeshi
Toho Univ. School Of Med. Dept. Biol.
CHEN Zhiyun
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry.
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center, Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
NOMURA Takaharu
Bio-Sci. Dept., Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
Chen Zhiyun
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry.
Sakamoto Kiyohiko
Low Dose Radiat. Res. Center Centl. Res. Inst. Electric Power Industry
- 29 Life-Span Prolongation of Severe Autoimmune MRL-lpr/lpr Mice by Long-Term Low Dose-Rate Irradiation(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Suppression of Chemically Induced or Radiation-Induced Tumorigenesis by Low Dose Rate Irradiation
- Effect of Low-Dose-Rate Gamma-Irradiation on C57BL/6N Mouse Immune System
- 21 Recovery from Type II Diabetes and Life Prolongation in C57BL/KsJ-db/db Mice by Chronic Low-Dose Rate Irradiation(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 13 Rejective Effect for Methylcholantrene-induced Tumor Cells Injected to Mice Exposed to Gamma-Rays at a Low Dose-Rate(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Changes in Endogenous Antioxidants in Type I Daibetes Model Mice after 0.5 Gy X-Irradiation
- Housing Condition-Dependent Changes in Absorbed Dose in Peritoneal Cavity of Mouse Chronically Irradiatedwith Low Dose Rate Cs-137 γ-rays
- Role of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication to Radiosensitivity in Rat Liver Epithelial Cell Lines
- Effects of Ionizing Radiation and Reactive Oxygen Species on Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication