NAGASAKA Kenji | Ome Municipal General Hospital
Miyasaka Nobuyuki
東京医科歯科大学 大学院保健衛生学研究科
Miyasaka Nobuyuki
Department Of Medicine And Rheumatology Tokyo Medical And Dental University Graduate School
Miyasaka Nobuyuki
Department Of Medicine & Rheumatology Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Miyasaka Nobuyuki
Department Of Medicine And Rheumatology Graduate School Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Ome Municipal General Hospital
Miyasaka Nobuyuki
Department Of Bioregulatory Medicine And Rheumatology Faculty Of Medicine Tokyo Medical And Dental U
Harigai Masayoshi
Department Of Pharmacovigilance Tokyo Medical And Dental University Graduate School
Harigai Masayoshi
Department Of Pharmacovigilance Graduate School Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Harigai Masayoshi
Department Of Nutritional Sciences Faculty Of Human Ecology Yasuda Women's University
Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Health Sciences
- Reevaluation of antibody titers 1 year after influenza vaccination in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving TNF blockers
- Anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy does not diminish the immune response to influenza vaccine in Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Two cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome resulting from adult-onset Still's disease
- Efficacy of combination treatment with cyclosporin A and corticosteroids for acute interstitial pneumonitis associated with dermatomyositis
- Prediction of and prophylaxis against Pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with connective tissue diseases undergoing medium- or high-dose corticosteroid therapy