鈴木 潤三 | Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
鈴木 静夫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science
鈴木 潤三
鈴木 静夫
鈴木 潤三
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
宮原 裕一
宮原 裕一
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
渡辺 毅
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
渡辺 毅
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Science University Of Tokyo
坂本 恵子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
佐藤 薫
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science University of Tokyo
- Estimation of i-Urobilin Movement in an Aquatic Environment
- Evaluation of Contribution of Drainage from Sewage Treatment Plants to Water Pollution Based on the Amount of Urobilin in Rivers
- Roles of Oxygen in Photochemical Reaction of Naphthols in Aqueous Nitrite Solution and Mutagen Formation
- Formation of Mutagens by Photochemical Reaction of 2-Naphthol in Aqueous Nitrite Solution
- Hydroxynitrobiphenyls Produced by Photochemical Reaction of Biphenyl in Aqueous Nitrate Solution and Their Mutagenicities
- Photochemical Nitrosation of Phenol in Aqueous Nitrite Solution