中山 英明 | Department of Hygiene Tottori Univ. School of Medicine
中山 英明
Department of Hygiene Tottori Univ. School of Medicine
中山 英明
山崎 昌廣
Department Of Health And Physical Education Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Science Hiroshima Univers
山崎 昌広
高橋 裕美
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences Hiroshima Univ.
玉谷 青史
Department Of Medicine School Of Medicine Tokai University
中山 英明
菊池 邦雄
Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima Univ.
山崎 昌広
佐々木 隆
Department Of Physiology Gikyo Junior College
菊池 邦雄
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Sciences Hiroshima Univ.
鳥井 正史
Physical Fitness Laboratory Humanities,Social Sciences,Languages,and Health and Gymnastics,Faculty o
中山 英明
鳥取大学 衛生
佐々木 隆
Department Of Clinical Laboratory Nagaoka Sekijyuji Hospital
水嶋 康男
Laboratory of Hyperbaric Physiology,Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
関 邦博
Laboratory of Hyperbaric Physiology,Japan Marine Science and Technology Center
鳥井 正史
Physical Fitness Laboratory Humanities Social Sciences Languages And Health And Gymnastics Faculty O
関 邦博
水嶋 康男
- Effect of Chronic Hypoxia on Skeletal Muscle Fiber Typein Adult Male Rats
- Continuous Observation of Whole-Body Sweating in Exercising Man under Heat Stress
- Modification of Circulatory Function during Apnoeic Divingin Jaques Mayol and Japanese Professional Ama