FUKUDA Haruyuki | Department of Radiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
FUKUDA Haruyuki
Department of Radiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
Fukuda Haruyuki
Department Of Radiology Kobe City General Hospital
Fukuda Haruyuki
Department Of Radiation Oncology Osaka Saiseikai Nakatsu Hospital
Fukuda Haruyuki
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
TADA Takuhito
Department of Radiology, Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine
Tanaka Toshio
Department Of Respiratory Medicine Allergy And Rheumatic Disease Osaka University Graduate School Of
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Radiology Osaka Prefectural Medical Center For Respiratory And Allergic Diseases
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Surgery Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tada Takuhito
Department Of Molecular Medicine Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
- Use of FDG-microPET for detection of small nodules in a rabbit model of pulmonary metastatic cancer
- Close Radiographic Landmarks for Spinal Cord Localization in Treatment of Thoracic Malignancy
- Monitoring of Respiratory Movement of the Diaphragm for Gated Radiotherapy
- Inhomogeneity Correction in Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in Multicenter Clinical Trials
- Radiation Pneumonitis following Multi-Field Radiation Therapy
- Potential Usefulness of an Artificial Neural Network for Assessing Ventricular Size
- Non-small cell lung cancer : radiation therapy for locoregional recurrence after complete resection
- A Single Institutional Subset Analysis of the WJLCG Study Comparing Concurrent and Sequential Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Non-small-cell Lung Cancer
- Pulmonary suture abscess with false-positive ^F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission scan mimicking lung cancer recurrence
- Development of a New Heating Needle for Interstitial Hyperthermia Compatible with Interstitial Radiotherapy