MURAYAMA Toshihiko | Kumamoto National Hospital
Murayama T
National Cancer Center Hospital Tokyo Jpn
Murayama Tohru
Hyogo Cancer Center Akashi Jpn
MURAYAMA Toshihiko
Kumamoto National Hospital
Murayama T
Hematology/oncology Division
Kishimoto Yuji
The First Department Of Internal Medicine Kansai Medical University
Kagami Yoshitoyo
名古屋大学医学部附属病院 病理部
Kanakura Yuzuru
大阪大学 医学系研究科心臓血管外科
Matsumoto-mishima Yuko
癌研究会癌化学療法センター 臨床研究部
Morishima Yasuo
Department Of Hematology And Chemotherapy
Yano Kunio
- Durable Response but Prolonged Cytopenia after Cladribine Treatment in Relapsed Patients with Indolent non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas : Results of a Japanese Phase II Study
- Successful Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation in a Case of Adult Precursor B-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma
- CD56/NCAM-Positive Langerhans Cell Sarcoma : A Clinicopathologic Study of 4 Cases
- Kinetics of Serum Cytokines After Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation: Interleukin-5 as a Potential Marker of Acute Graft- Versus-Host Disease