MIN Byung | Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Semiconductor Materials Research Center Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Kim E
Korea Inst. Sci. And Technol. Seoul Kor
MIN Byung
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Kim E
Hanyang Univ. Seoul Kor
Kim Hyo
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Cardiovascular Labor
Kim Tae
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Korea Advanced Institute Of Science And Technology
KIM Yong
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Hanyang University
Kim T
Hanyang Univ. Seoul Kor
PARK Young
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Nano-device Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Tech
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Nano-device Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Tech
Institute of Quantum Information Processing and Systems (iQUIPS), University of Seoul
LIM Jong
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
Choi B
Univ. Seoul Seoul Kor
Cho Bum
Institute Of Quantum Information Processing And Systems (iquips) University Of Seoul
Kim Yousoo
Surface Chemistry Laboratory
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Kim Hyo
Department Of Physics Kwangwoon University
Kim Yousoo
Surface Chemistry Laboratory Riken
SON Maeng
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Kang T
Dongguk Univ. Seoul Kor
Jung S.
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Min B
Korea Inst. Sci. And Technol. Seoul Kor
Kim Hyo
Department Of Food Science And Nutrition Catholic University Of Daegu
Kim Y
Lg Electronics Seoul Kor
Son M
Univ. Seoul Seoul Kor
Min Byung
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Kim Eun
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Hyun Chan
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory Korea Institute Of Science And Technology
Lim Jong
Department Of Physics Kyonggi University
Koh E
Seoul Branch Korea Basic Science Institute
Kim Y
Surface Chemistry Laboratory Riken
Lim Jong
Department Of Advanced Materials Science And Engineering Sungkyunkwan University
Kim Yong
Department And Research Institute Of Rehabilitation Medicine Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Lim Jong
Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Gyunggi-do 440-746, Korea
Kim Yongjo
Surface Chemistry Laboratory, RIKEN
Jung S.K.
Semiconductor Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Dependence of Buffer Layer on the Distribution of InAs Quantum Dots
- Stress-Driven Formation of InGaAs Quantum Dots on GaAs with Sub-Micron Platinum Pattern