Ham S‐y | Univ. Seoul Kor
Ham S‐y
Univ. Seoul Kor
Lee Dong-hoon
Dept. Of Environmental Engineering The University Of Seoul
Lee D‐h
Lab. Of Radiation Effect Korea Cancer Center Hospital
Lee Dong-hoon
Department Of Environmental Engineering University Of Seoul
Lee Dong-hoon
Faculty Of Environmental Engineering The University Of Seoul
Lee J‐h
Univ. Seoul
Hwang T‐w
Univ. Seoul
HAM Sang-Yee
Dept. of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul
HWANG Tae-Woong
Dept. of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul
LEE Jae-Hyo
Dept. of Environmental Engineering, University of Seoul
Lee Jae-hyo
Dept. Of Environmental Engineering University Of Seoul
- PCDDs/PCDFs formation at the cooling system of medium size incineration systems in Korea (第13回廃棄物学会研究発表会 講演論文集2) -- (International session(4))
- A Study on the Solubility and Leachability of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDs/DFs
- A Study on the Solubility and Leachability of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDDDs/DFs (第12回廃棄物学会研究発表会 講演論文集2) -- (Dioxins, Incineration and Pyrolysis)