Nishimura Asuka | BioScience Center, Nagoya University
Matsuoka Makoto
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya University
Nishimura Asuka
BioScience Center, Nagoya University
Nishimura Asuka
Bioscience Center Nagoya Univ.
Matsuoka Makoto
Biosci. Center Nagoya Univ. Nagoya
Biocience Center, Nagoya University
Matsuoka M
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya University
Nishimura Asuka
Biocience Center Nagoya University
Matsuoka Makoto
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry University Of Tsukuba
Matuoka Makoto
Biosci. Cen. Nagoya University
National Institute of Agrobiological Resources
Matsuoka Makoto
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya Univ.
Tamaoki Masanori
Bioscience Center Nagoya Univ.
Tasaka Masao
Nara Inst. Of Sci. And Technol. Nara Jpn
Tamaoki Masanori
Department Of Life Science Aichi University Of Education
Tasaka Masao
Dept. Bot. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Tasaka Masao
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Ito Momoyo
BioScience Center, Nagoya University
Sato Yutaka
BioScience Center, Nagoya University
Sato Yutaka
Bioscience Center Nagoya University
Matsuoka Makoto
Okinawa Subtropical Station Japan International Research Center For Agricultural Sciences
Ito Momoyo
Bioscience Center Nagoya Univ.
Matsuoka M
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry University Of Tsukuba
Miyao‐tokutomi Mitsue
Niar Tsukuba.
Sato Yutaka
Bioscience Center Nagoya Univ.
Bioscience and Biotechnology Center, Nagoya University
Biocience Center, Nagoya University
Sentoku Naoki
BioScience Center, Nagoya University
Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba
Tasaka Masao
Dept. Bot. Div. Biol. Sci. Graduate School Of Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Sentoku N
Biocience Center Nagoya University
Sentoku Naoki
Biosci. Cen. Nagoya University
Sentoku Naoki
Bioscience Ctr. Nagoya Univ.
Matsuoka Makoto Nagoya Univ.
Matsuoka Makoto
Nagoya City Rehabilitation Center
Sakamoto Tomoaki
Institute Of Agriculture And Forestry University Of Tsukuba
Saito T
National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science
Aida Mitsuhiro
Grad. School Biol. Sci.
AIDA Mitsuhiro
Dept.Biol., Fac.Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Ashikari Motoyuki
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya Univ.
Sakamoto Tomoaki
Inst. Agr. & Forest. Univ. Tsukuba
Aida Mitsuhiro
Dept. Bot. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Aida Mitsuhiro
Graduate School of Biological Sciences, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Hong Soon-Kwan
BioScience Center, Nagoya University
HIRANO Hiro-yuki
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo
Iwahori Shuichi
Inst. Agr. & Forest., Univ.
School of Agricultural Science, Nagoya Univ.
Kitano H
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Kitano Hidemi
Grad. Sch. Bioagr. Sci. Nagoya Univ.
Iwahori Shuichi
Inst. Agr. & Forest. Univ.
Doctral Degree Program Agr. Sci., Univ. Tsukuba
TAMAOKI Masanori
Natl. Inst. for Environ. Studies
Hong Soon-kwan
Bioscience Center Nagoya University
Ashikari M
Bioscience And Biotechnology Center Nagoya University
Ashikari Motoyuki
Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution:(present Address)bioscience Center Nagoya U
Dept.of Bot., Div.of Bio.Sci., Graduate School of Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Sakamoto Tomoaki
National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences:(present Address)field Production Science Center Gradu
Fujisawa Hisao
Dep.of Botany Div.of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Kyoto Univ.
Fujisawa Hisao
Dept. Bot. Fac. Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Fujisawa Hisao
Dept. Bot. Div. Biol. Sci. Graduate School Of Sci. Kyoto Univ.
Fukaki Hidehiro
Dep.of Botany Div.of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Kyoto Univ.
Matsuoka Makoto
Bioscience Center Nagoya Univ.
Hirano Hiro-yuki
Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences University Of Tokyo
Tasaka Masao
Graduate School Of Biol. Sci.
Kitano Hidemi
Nagoya University School Of Agricultural Science
BioScience Center, Nagoya Univ.
- Roles of Rice GL2-type Homeobox Genes in Epidermis Differentiation
- Isolation and Characterization of a cDNA Encoding an Orthologue of ROUGH SHEATH2 (OsRS2) from Rice
- Auxin response factor family in rice
- Isolation and characterization of outermost cell specific homeobox genes in rice
- Analysis of genes involved in rice embryogenesis.
- Analysis of the functional regions of tobacco homeodomain proteins
- Analysis of a novel tobacco homeobox gene, NTH1
- Isolation of novel tobacco homebox genes and their ectopic expression altered leaf morphology in transgenic plants
- Phenotypic analyses of antisense OsPNH1 transformants and leaf initiation mechanism in rice
- Expression pattern of KN1-type tobacco homeobox genes
- Transgenic tobacco over-expressing a homeobox gene shows developmental interaction between leaf morphogenesis and the phyllotaxy