木下 俊也 | School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Shizuoka
小菅 卓夫
辻 邦郎
石田 均司
静岡県大 薬
辻 邦郎
静岡県大 薬
石田 均司
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Shizuoka
糠谷 東雄
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Shizuoka
辻 邦郎
小菅 卓夫
Cawthron Institute
石田 均司
糠谷 東雄
辻 邦郎
木下 俊也
School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Shizuoka
辻 邦郎
School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Shizuoka
石田 均司
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Shizuoka
木下 俊也
School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
辻 邦郎
School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
夏山 [リュウ]煥
School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Shizuoka
夏山 龍煥
Shizuoka College of Pharmacy
夏山 煥
School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
山口 健太郎
山本 信
School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
夏山 龍煥
School of Pharmaceutical Science, University of Shizuoka
長沢 道男
Tsumura Company
小菅 貞夫
Cawthron Institute
山口 健太郎
Showa College of Pharmaceutical Science
- Study on Pharmacological Effect of bile Salts, Sodium Scymnol Sulfate, from Rhizoprionodon acutus. I. Effect of Scymnol, Chimaerol and Sodium Scymnol Sulfate on Cerebral Anoxia
- Study on the Bile Salt, Sodium Scymnol Sulfate, from Lamna ditropis. III. The Structures of a New Sodium Scymnol Sulfate and New Anhydroscymnols
- Study on the Bile Salt, Sodium Scymnol Sulfate, from Rhizoprionodon actuatus. II. The Structures of Scymnol, Anhydroscymnol and Sodium Scymnol Sulfate