清水 憲一 | 九州国際大学
- 有馬学編, 『近代日本の企業家と政治-安川敬一郎とその時代-』, 吉川弘文館, 2009年, 3+303頁
- 官営八幡製鐵所の創立 : 後発工業化を実現した銑鋼一貫製鉄所の確立
- The Establishment of the State-Owned Yawata Steel Works(1) : The Integrated Steel Works That Promoted Japan's Industrialisation When the Country Entered the Modern Industrial World as a Latecomer
- The Establishment of the State-Owned Yawata Steel Works(2) : The Integrated Steel Works That Promoted Japan's Industrialisation When the Country Entered the Modern Industrial World as a Latecomer (In Honor of Prof.Masanori Furukawa)
- 「軍事上並ニ経済上」 : 創立期官営製鐵所の性格について
- The Former Matsumoto and Yasukawa Residences : Their Architectural Value and the Regional Zaibatsu Representation of Japan(Commemorative Issue in Honor of Professor Hidemi Ishida on the Occasion of his Retirement)