Park Kyung-hee | 韓国
PARK Kyung-Hee
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chonnam National University
Park Kyung-hee
Park K‐h
Department Of Microbiology College Of Medicine Konkuk University
JANG Won-Jong
Department of Microbiology College of Medicine, Konkuk University
Jang Won-jong
Jang Won-jong
Department Of Microbiology Kon-kuk University College Of Medicine
Park Kyung-hee
Department Of Microbiology Kon-kuk University College Of Medicine
Park Kyung-hee
Department Of Electrical Engineering Chonnam National University
Jang Won-jong
Department Of Microbiology College Of Medicine Konkuk University
Jang W‐j
Department Of Microbiology College Of Medicine Konkuk University
- Differentiation of Anaplasmataceae through Partial groEL Gene Analysis
- Rapid and Simple Identification of Orientia tsutsugamushi from Other Group Rickettsiae by Duplex PCR Assay Using groEL Gene
- Seroepidemiology of Spotted Fever Group and Typhus Group Rickettsioses in Humans, South Korea
- Rapid Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato by PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis of groEL Gene
- Identification of the Coxiella Sp. Detected from Haemaphysalis longicornis Ticks in Korea
- Characterization of Borrelia afzelii Isolated from Ixodes nipponensis and Apodemus agrarius in Chungju, Korea, by PCR-RFLP Analyses of ospC Gene and rrf (5S)-rrl (23S) Intergenic Spacer
- Chemokine and Cytokine Production in Susceptible C3H/HeN Mice and Resistant BALB/c Mice during Orientia tsutsugamushi Infection
- First Molecular Detection of Borrelia afzelii in Clinical Samples in Korea
- Molecular Detection of Various Rickettsiae in Mites (Acari : Trombiculidae) in Southern Jeolla Province, Korea
- Development of recombinant OmpA and OmpB proteins as diagnostic antigens for rickettsial disease