Yago Toru | 東京女子医科大学附属膠原病リウマチ・痛風センター
Yago Toru
Institute Of Rheumatology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Yago Toru
東京女子医科大学附属青山病院 膠原病リウマチ痛風内科
Yago Toru
Yago Toru
東京女子医科大学附属膠原病リウマチ・痛風センター 内科
Nanke Yuki
Institute Of Rheumatology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Kotake Shigeru
Kotake Shigeru
Department Of Internal Medicine Institute Of Rheumatology Tokyo Women's Medical University
Nanke Yuki
Institute of Rheumatology, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Nanke Yuki
Nanke Yuki
Department Of Internal Medicine Institute Of Rheumatology Tokyo Women's Medical University
- A case of Chlamydia-associated arthritis
- Roles of osteoblasts, osteoclasts, T cells and cytokines in glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
- The study of bone mineral density and bone turnover markers in postmenopausal women with active rheumatoid arthritis
- Geranglgeranylacetone, a non-toxic inducer of heat shock protein, induces cell death in fibroblast-like synoviocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Bone erosion of the sternocostal joint in a patient with Behcet's disease
- Risk factors associated with incident fractures in Japanese men with rheumatoid arthritis : a prospective observational cohort study
- Therapeutic efficacy of intravenous cyclophosphamide concomitant with moderate- to high-dose prednisolone in two patients with fasciitis panniculitis syndrome
- Incidence of and risk factors for interstitial pneumonia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in a large Japanese observational cohort, IORRA
- Radiographic repair in three Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with bucillamine
- Efficacy of methotrexate in the treatment of a HLA-B27-positive Japanease patient with reactive arthritis