Wang Min | Department of Cardiology, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University of Medicine
論文 | ランダム
- 肩の2自由度に柔軟関節を用いた6自由度柔軟関節肩義手のモーションプロセッサ2HVを使用した顔面方位制御システムの開発
- ヤンバルクイナの交通事故リスクに関わる要因
- 平らな足と足首ばねを有する平面受動二足歩行の運動解析と歩行実験(D&D2009)
- Repair of root resorption 2 to 16 weeks after the application of continuous forces on maxillary first molars in rats: a 2- and 3-dimensional quantitative evaluation.
- Escaping from the ghetto : How we might move from a preoccupation with Japan to living in the present (Division of History, The 4th Consortium on Global Perspectives in Japanese Studies)