小野澤 寿志 | 大原綜合病院外科|福島県立医科大学消化管外科学講座
論文 | ランダム
- A Young Case of Severe Diabetic Ketoacidosis Due to Excess Ingestion of Soft Drinks : Necessity of Active Intervention for Child Obesity
- 26 The relationship between waist circumference, abdominal wall thickness. serum adiponectin and insulin, and metabolic syndrome in obese boys
- Elevation of Serum C-Reactive Protein Levels Is Associated with Obesity in Boys
- The Relationship of Serum Levels of Malondialdehyde-modified Low Density Lipoprotein to Serum Lipids and Anthropometric Measurements in School Children
- Relationship among Systolic Blood Pressure, Serum Insulin and Leptin, and Visceral Fat Accumulation in Obese Children