束村 純雄 | 国立療養所大府荘|名古屋大学医学部第一内科
論文 | ランダム
- Boson-Triboson Scattering with Yamaguchi Potential. II : Inclusion of Additional p-Wave Component for the 3+1-Subamplitude
- Boson-Triboson Scattering with Yamaguchi Potential. I : Restriction to s-Wave Contribution from the 3+1-Subamplitude
- Microfabricated Silicon Flow-Cell for Optical Monitoring of Biological Fluids
- Choriocarcinoma Co-Existent with an Intact Pregnancy : Case Report and Review of the Literature
- 電位依存性カルシウムチャネル--構造から機能へ (平滑筋における興奮-収縮連関機構)