Boson-Triboson Scattering with Yamaguchi Potential. II : Inclusion of Additional p-Wave Component for the 3+1-Subamplitude
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In order to investigate the p-wave contribution from the 3+1-subamplitude in the S-wave phase shift for boson-triboson elastic scattering when the Yamaguchi potential for the two-body interaction is assumed, the Faddeev-Osborn equation for a system of four identical bosons is solved numerically by extending the previous calculation to include the p-wave component for the 3+1-subamplitude. The results obtained closely resemble the previous results. The calculated phase shift generally has the standard behavior of the two-body phase shift for a loosely bound state and has further characteristic behavior represented by a valley with a peak as fine structure. The phase shift obtained in the present calculation has a higher peak and a deeper valley than the previous one, while the positions of the peak and the valley in the two sets of results agree precisely. Thus the calculated resonance energies are the same as those obtained in the previous result.
- 1999-09-25
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