松藤 凡 | 鹿児島大学医学部・歯学部附属病院小児外科
論文 | ランダム
- Realization of a Four Parameter Family of Generalized One-Dimensional Contact Interactions by Three Nearby Delta Potentials with Renormalized Strengths (Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications)
- 28p-XF-16 非連続性誘発型点状相互作用をもつ可解な量子一次元系とその繰込み可能性
- Chaos Induced by Quantization (Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications)
- 25p-B-5 一般化接触相互作用のある可解な一次元N体問題に於るフェルミオン=ボソン双対性
- Green Function Monte Carlo Method for Excited States of Quantum System : Nuclear Physics