金澤 竜彦 | 九州大学院総合理工学府先端エネルギー理工学専攻
論文 | ランダム
- 「大学院教育に関するアンケート」結果報告 : 大学院教育に対する産業界の意識
- 100号記念によせて : 横断型基幹技術としての可視化への期待
- What is the story about? quotations in Japanese and American English narratives from a cross-linguistic perspective (Situating self, expressing emotions, and quoting thought: what narrative and face-to-face conversational data reveal about cognition, cult
- A study of the situation of self in the interaction of conducting of problem-solving tasks: a difference between Japanese and American pairs (Situating self, expressing emotions, and quoting thought: what narrative and face-to-face conversational data rev
- The perfect mix: cognitive linguistics meets historical linguistics