Kondo M | Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University | 論文
- φ Photo-production from Nuclei at E_γ=1.5-2.4 GeV(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Experiments with a Forward Gamma Detector at SPring-8/LEPS(I. Nuclear Physics)
- Search for s-channel Baryon Resonances in the γp→α_0(980)p Reaction(I. Nuclear Physics)
- High resolution study of Gamow-Teller transitions in pf-shell nuclei(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Evidence for an alpha cluster condensed state in ^O(α,α') at 400 MeV(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)