Tanaka Mitsuru | Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Division of Bioresource and Bioenviromental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School of Kyushu University
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- 同名の論文著者
- Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Division of Bioresource and Bioenviromental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School of Kyushu Universityの論文著者
論文 | ランダム
- 下顎骨舌側部形態異常による挿管困難を伴った Pierre-Robin syndrome の歯科麻酔経験
- 冷凍耐性を有する乳脂肪含有ホイップクリーム中のトランス脂肪酸低減化に関する研究
- 文永八年の三別抄牒状について
- Composition of endophytic fungi living in Cinchona ledgeriana (Rubiaceae)
- Artemisioside, a new monoterpene glucoside from the aerial parts of Artemisia ordosica (Asteraceae)