NISHIYAMA Katsuaki | Saga Ceramics Research Laboratory
Saga Ceramics Research Laboratory | 論文
- Deposition of LaMO_3 (M=Ni, Co, Cr, Al)-Oriented Films by Spray Combustion Flame Technique
- Synthesis of BaTiO_3/LaNiO_3 and PbTiO_3/LaNiO_3 Multilayer Thin Films by Spray Combustion Flame Technique
- Hydrothermal Synthesis of Porous Hydroxyapatite Plates from Gypsum : Use as an Animal Cell Culture Substratum
- Low temperature synthesis of nano-sized BaTiO3 powders by the microwave-assisted process
- Nano- and Micro- meter Sized Silver Metal Powders by Microwave-Polyol Process