丸山 佳与 | 信州大学先鋭領域融合群バイオメディカル研究所
論文 | ランダム
- POM成形品の成形条件と強度特性の関連 (特性試験の現状と規格値)
- Accurate Measurement of Near-Micromolar Oxygen Concentrations in Aqueous Solutions Based on Enzymatic Extradiol Cleavage of 4-Chlorocatechol:Applications to Improved Low-Oxygen Experimental Systems and Quantitative Assessment of Back Diffusion of Oxygen f
- Engineering Studies on Biochemical Reactions Involving Microor-ganisms, Enzymes and Genes
- Role of Repetitive Nine-Residue Sequence Motifs in Secretion, Enzymatic Activity, and Protein Conformation of a Family I.3 Lipase
- Degradation of Cell Wall Materials from Sweetpotato, Cassava, and Potato by a Bacterial Protopectinase and Terminal Sugar Analysis of the Resulting solubilized Products