Miura K | Tohoku Institute of Technology
Tohoku Institute of Technology | 論文
- BP-3-1 ミリ波(60GHz)標準化(IEEE802.15.3c)動向(BP-3.IEEEで標準化が進むミリ通信システムと技術・装置開発,ソサイエティ企画)
- Millimeter Wave Intra Car Communications System Using Radio Hose
- NRD-Guide Passive Components and Devices for Millimeter Wave Wireless Applications(Recent Technologies for Microwave and Millimeter-wave Passive Devices)
- Isovector E2/E0 strength in ^Si studied by the (e, e'n) reaction II(I. Nuclear Physics)
- A Fast Ray-Tracing Using Bounding Spheres and Frustum Rays for Dynamic Scene Rendering