古坂 道弘 | 北海道大 工学研究院 量子理工学部門
論文 | ランダム
- 主張 (年金と人事処遇制度のイノベーション) -- (年金問題 誌上ディベート2 私的年金をめぐる争点)
- Gradual activation of the response regulator DegU controls serial expression of genes for flagellum formation and biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis
- 酸化ジルコニウムセラミックス用レヤリング陶材の熱膨張に関する研究
- Binding of response regulator DegU to the aprE promoter is inhibited by RapG, which is counteracted by extracellular PhrG in Bacillus subtilis
- Bacillus subtilis functional genomics : genome-wide analysis of the DegS-DegU regulon by transcriptomics and proteomics