YAGISHITA Kazuyoshi | Department of Food Chemistry, Kumamoto Women's University
論文 | ランダム
- Induction of PR-1 Accumulation Accompanied by Runaway Cell Death in the lsd1 Mutant of Arabidopsis is Dependent on Glutathione Levels but Independent of the Redox State of Glutathione
- Fault instability on a finite and planar fault related to early phase of nucleation
- Flight properties of orthorrhaphous Brachycera flies in tethered flight performance (Insecta : Diptera)
- 図們江(豆満江、Tumen River)開発を巡る周辺諸国・地域の政策 : 「構造調整」下の北東アジア地域経済協力の可能性と展望(経済摩擦と国際秩序-パックスアメリカーナと日・韓・中の地域経済圏-,総合研究)
- The Effect of Long Slow Distance Training on Aerobic Work Capacity in Young Thoroughbred Horses