Noritaka Osawa | National Institute of Multimedia Education
National Institute of Multimedia Education | 論文
- Measurement of the Polarization of 〓^0 Hyperons Produced Inclusively by 12-GeV Protons on Tungsten
- Summary(Second Session "Learning Resources in the Coming Century: Facilitating Open and Flexible Learning in Higher Education",AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM'97 HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY -BRINGING TODAY'S EDUCATION INTO THE HI-TECH WORLD OF TOMORRO
- An Evaluative Survey of Cross-Cultural Learning through Video Materials
- Framework for Distance-learning Systems with Simultaneous Captioning
- Characteristics of Communication within a Video Conference Class and Anticipatory Strategies for its Limitation (高等教育におけるメディア活用と教員の教授能力開発(3)メディア活用の展開と教員支援--教員のメディア活用能力を向上させるための研修プログラムの研究開発) -- (第2部 メディア活用と教員支援)