湯山 道也 | 国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構環境エネルギー部門
論文 | ランダム
- 表面修飾ダイヤモンドトランジスタによるDNA及びバイオセンシング応用
- Antioxidant Effects of Aqueous Extract of Terminalia chebula in Vivo and in Vitro(Pharmacology)
- Congenital Malformation among Infants of Epileptic Mothers treated during Pregnancy--The Report of a Collaborative Study Group in Japan (Proceedings for the 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Branch of the International League Against Epilepsy)
- Development of a Simple Culture Method for the Tissues Contaminated with Microorganisms and Application to Establishment of a Fish Cell line(Developmental Biology)
- 昭和59年度〔空気調和・衛生工学会〕近畿支部学術研究発表会