沓掛 康道 | 磐田市立総合病院放射線診断科
論文 | ランダム
- 道路を挟んで東西に植栽されたムクゲとハナミズキの生育状況
- Cloning of a FLOWERING LOCUS T Ortholog in Wasabia japonica (Matsum)
- O36-3 Omalizumabの投与間隔の変更について(O36 IgEと抗IgE療法1,口演,第61回日本アレルギー学会秋季学術大会)
- High-performance liquid chromatographic method to analyze picomole levels of glutathione, cysteine and cysteinylglycine and its application to pre-cancerous rat livers
- Analytical Characteristics of Inductively Coupled Oxygen-Plasma Mass Spectrometry Assisted by Adding Argon to the Outer Gas