AHN Taeho | College of Veterinary Medicine Chonnam National University
College of Veterinary Medicine Chonnam National University | 論文
- Evaluation of developmental toxicity and placental transfer of the new fluoroquinolone DW-116 in rats (DEVELOPMENT AND REPRODUCTION) (GENERAL SESSION BY POSTER PRESENTATION) (Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting)
- Antiinflammatory and Antioxidant Effects of Aqueous Extract from Phellinus gilvus in Rats
- 超音波画像診断による小型犬の分娩日予知表の確立 (臨床繁殖学)
- 韓国在来種の性成熟期における年齢と体重, ならびに分娩後無発情期の血漿プロゲステロン値の変動(臨床繁殖学)
- Therapeutic Effects of Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor (rhEGF) in a Murine Model of Concurrent Chemo-and Radiotherapy-Induced Oral Mucositis