Yoneda K. | RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science
RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science | 論文
- 9aSG-4 Two neutron correlation in the breakup of ^Li
- Observation of hindered E2 strength in ^C(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Study of High-spin States in ^Ti by the Secondary Fusion Reaction(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Nuclear-moment measurements of light neutron-rich nuclei utilizing fragment-induced spin-polarization and its applications(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- 18aSL-5 ノックアウト反応による^Si核の研究(18aSL 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同,不安定核(I),理論核物理領域)