18aSL-5 ノックアウト反応による^<42>Si核の研究(18aSL 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同,不安定核(I),理論核物理領域)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-08-24
Gibelin J.
LPC Caen
Sakurai H.
Takeuchi S.
Baba H.
Motobayashi T.
Shimoura S.
Center For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Guillot J.
Ipn D'orsay
Aoi N.
Riken Nishina Center For Accelerator-based Science
Bazin D.
Cns Univ. Of Tokyo
Yoneda K.
Michimasa S.
CNS, University of Tokyo
Ota S.
CNS, Univ. of Tokyo
Shimoura S.
Cns Univ. Of Tokyo
Ideguchi E.
Cns Univ. Of Tokyo
Shinozuka T.
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Togano Y.
Department Of Physics Rikkyo University
Koide T.
The 2nd Division Of Dept. Inter. Med. Tokyo University
Kishii T.
The 2nd Dirision Dept. Of Inter. Med. Tokyo University
Hughes R.
Bazin D.
Caceres L.
Jenkins D.
Aoi N.
Matsushita M.
Doornenbal P.
RIKEN Nishina Center
Lee J.
RIKEN Nishina Center
Scheit H.
TU Darmstadt
Steppenbeck D.
RIKEN Nishina Center
Wang H.
Li K.
Takechi M.
Togano Y.
RIKEN Nishina Center
Go S.
Kobayashi N.
Lee G.
Kondo Y.
Nakamura T.
Sako T.
Takahashi K.
Gernhauser R.
TU Munchen
Hinke C.
TU Munchen
Krucken R.
TU Munchen
Steiger K.
TU Munchen
Hoffman C.
Bleis T.Le
Grevy S.
Matta A.
Crawford H.
Fallon P.
Petri M.
Winkler R.
Ideguchi E.
Shimoura S.
Bleis T.le
Kobayashi T.
Tokyo Electric Power Company
Yoneda K.
Riken Nishina Center
Sakurai H.
Riken Nishina Center
Baba H.
Riken Nishina Center
Kobayashi T
Sasamoto S.
Department Of Internal Medicine Tokyo University Branch Hospital
Michimasa S.
Doornenbal P.
- 23aBD-4 陽子非弾性散乱による重い酸素同位体近傍核の研究(23aBD 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同 不安定核II(合同),理論核物理領域)
- 28pWP-9 Single-Particle States in ^F by Proton Transfer Reaction
- 28pWP-6 (p,p') and (p,n) reactions on halo nuclei
- 27aWG-13 Measurement of the ^8Li(α,n)^B reaction in FY 2003 experiment
- 9aSG-4 Two neutron correlation in the breakup of ^Li
- High-Spin States in Odd-Odd ^Lu
- Production and Decay Properties of ^111 and its Daughter Nuclei(Nuclear Physics)
- 26aSE-5 逆運動学とRDDS法による^Rhのカイラル二重項候補の寿命測定(26aSE 高スピン・核構造,実験核物理領域)
- High-Spin Isomers in Erbuim Isotopes(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Observation of hindered E2 strength in ^C(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- 24pZF-3 Missing mass spectroscopy of the neutron-deficient ^O nucleus in inverse kinematics
- Study of High-spin States in ^Ti by the Secondary Fusion Reaction(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- 26aSE-7 Study of high-spin states in ^In
- Studies on Visceral Circulation : Normal Values of Visceral Circulation in Japanese and Its Variation by Age
- A High Rate Multi-Wire Drift Chamber For Heavy Ion Detection
- Most Probable Charge of Fission Products in Proton-Induced Fission of^U and ^Th
- Nuclear-moment measurements of light neutron-rich nuclei utilizing fragment-induced spin-polarization and its applications(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- 218) Psychosomatic Analysis of Subjective and Objective Symptoms related to Circulatory Disorders(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- Studies on the Myocardial Metabolism in Diabetes Mellitus : THE EFFECT OF INSULIN ON MYOCARDIAL CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting The Japanese Circulation Society [Part II])
- Study of high-spin shape isomers(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Up Grated CYRIC Sinusoidal Beam Chopper for Fast-neutron TOF Experiment
- 26pZB-5 Subleading-twist effects in single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive DIS on a longitudinally polarized hydrogen target
- Development of the New Tape Transport System for ISOL
- Present Status of the 14.5 GHz ECR Ion Source at CYRIC
- The Creative, Originative, and Useful Progress of Surge Arresters and Insulation Coordination for AC 66-1100kV Power Systems Described in the IEEJ Technical Report No. 1132
- Astrophysical Jets Treated as Experiment in the Cyber Space Laboratory
- 24pPSB-17 Investigation of the magnetic properties of Cr layers in V/Cr multilayes using ^Sn Mossbauer spectroscopy
- 151) Phonocardiographic Study in Aortic Regurgitation(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 462) The Effects of Exercise or Hypoxic-test on Coronary Circulation and Myocardial Metabolism.(Abstracts of Papers Presented At the 20th Annual Meeting)
- 461) Studies on Coronary Circulation and Myocardial Metabolism in Patients with "High Cardiac Output" Heart Disease.(Abstracts of Papers Presented At the 20th Annual Meeting)
- 460) Studies on Coronary Circulation in Man by Method of Coronary Sinus Catheterization.(Abstracts of Papers Presented At the 20th Annual Meeting)
- 18aSL-5 ノックアウト反応による^Si核の研究(18aSL 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同,不安定核(I),理論核物理領域)
- The Mechanism of Transepithelial Translocation of Secretory IgA : A Simultaneous Staining Technique for IgA and Acid Phosphatase Activity
- The Statistical Review of Cases with Clinically Diagnosed Myocardial Infarction and with Anginal Pains in Several Districts in Japan
- 30) On the Disorders of Impulse Formation and Conduction Induced by Electrical Stimulation of Brain Stem : Part II-Disturbances in Cardiac Rhythm Induced by Vagal Nuclei Stimulation(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society
- 122) Studies on Myocardial Metabolism by Coronary Sinus Catheterization in Man : Correlations of Myocardiol Metabolism to Ecg and X-ray Findings (Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 373) The Value of the Left Atrial Border Electrokymography in the Diagnosis of Mitral Insufficiency and Stenosis(Abstracts of Papers Presented At the 20th Annual Meeting)
- 202) Effect of Hypertonic Saline on the Circulatory and Respiratory Reflexes(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 132) Successive Measurement of Cardiac Output (I^ Human Serum Albumin Method) by External Monitoring(Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting, The Japanese Circulation Society [Part III])
- 115) Experimental Studies on Coronary Embolisation (IV) : The Mechanism of Reactive Increase of Coronary Blood Flow. (Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 214. Immunocytochemical Studies of the Epithelial Transport of Secretory IgA in Human Salivary Glands
- Development of Low-Pressure MWPC
- 17pTB-10 Transfer operator description of continuous variable quantum teleportation
- (188)Inhibitory Influence of Inorganic Salts to Banana Postharvest Pathogens and Preliminary Application to Control Crown Rot(Abstracts of the Papers Presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting in Tokyo)
- Spectroscopy of the Unbound States of the Drip-Line Nucleus ^O(YKIS2011 papers,Frontier Issues in Physics of Exotic Nuclei)
- Dilute Solution Properties of Low-temperature Polymerized Polyvinyl Chloride. II. Fractionation and Properties of Fractions
- 13aSB-7 Discovery of the Negative Parity State in ^C
- 27pHE-6 α非弾性散乱を用いた^Mg近傍核の核分光(27pHE 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同 不安定核(III)(合同),実験核物理領域)
- 26pHE-4 ^Zn核第一2^+励起準位寿命の世界初直接測定(26pHE 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同 若手奨励賞受賞記念講演,実験核物理領域)
- 28pHB-6 An improved system to control the stopping position of ^Rb in He II for the laser spectroscopy in OROCHI experiment
- 21aSA-14 Beta-decay of neutron-rich Z〜60 nuclei and the origin of the A〜160 r-process abundance peak
- 21aSA-11 Study of beta decay of neutron-rich I isotopes at RIKEN RIBF using a stack of Si-strip detectors WASA3Bi combined with a cluster-Ge array EURICA
- 20pSA-9 Single-neutron Knockout Reaction from ^Ne
- 21aSA-6 ベータガンマ核分光による中性子過剰な^Ni近傍核の構造研究(不安定核(III)(合同),実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同,実験核物理領域)
- Spectroscopy of the Unbound States of the Drip-Line Nucleus ^O
- 28pTA-5 欠損質量核分光による^8C核励起状態の探索(28pTA 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同,不安定核(II)(合同),実験核物理領域)
- 28pTA-3 Proton single-particle energy in 23F studied with the quasi-elastic (p2p) reaction with polarized proton target
- 28pTA-1 Beta-decay of neutron-rich Z〜60 nuclei : The origin of Rare Earth Elements
- 30aTF-9 The MINOS Physics Program at RIBF
- 30aTF-10 In-beam validation of MINOS