芳岡 良一 | 清水建設(株) 関西事業本部 鹿野川ダムトンネル洪水吐新設工事作業所
論文 | ランダム
- In-Situ 0bservation of Metal Surfaces in Aqueous Solutions with an Electrochemical STM
- Relation between Suspension and Dispersion of Coarse Spherical Particles in Horizontal Pipe Flow
- Theory of Rolling for the Range of Mixed Friction : Part 1,A New Method of Calculation for the Rolling without Tension
- Creep of Mild Steel under Periodic Stresses of Rectangular Wave : (III) Prediction of the Creep Deformation under Periodic Stresses
- Creep of Mild Steel under Periodic Stresses of Rectangular Wave : (II) Creep Deformation under Unsymmetrical Periodic Stress Waves