角野 政弥 | (財)東京顕微鏡院, (現勤務先: 日本大学)
論文 | ランダム
- Response of Multipass Heat Exchangers to Sinusoidal Flow Rate Changes of Large Amplitude
- Response of Bayonet-type Heat Exchangers to Sinusoidal Flow Rate Changes of Large Amplitude
- バングラデシュにおけるNGOの生乳販売の性格と機能--バングラデシュ農村前進協議会(BRAC)の事例研究
- Glazing Materials for Advanced Thermal Performance and Solar Gain Control (特集 省エネルギ-用スマ-ト窓材料)
- Simultaneous determination of neutral and acidic pharmaceuticals in wastewater by high-performance liquid chromatography-postcolumn photochemically induced fluorimetry