石田 聡 | 三重大学医学部/第3内科
論文 | ランダム
- Haliclonacyclamines, Tetracyclic Alkylpiperidine Alkaloids, as Anti-dormant Mycobacterial Substances from a Marine Sponge of Haliclona sp.
- 処置の方法 (特集 どっちが正しい?看護技術Q&A)
- Pyripyropenes, Fungal Sesquiterpenes Conjugated with α-Pyrone and Pyridine Moieties, Exhibits Anti-angiogenic Activity against Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells
- Prenylterphenyllin and Its Dehydroxyl Analogs, New Cytotoxic Substances from a Marine-derived Fungus Aspergillus candidus IF10
- 『沙石集』の諸本と無住の唱導