Ahamad Faried | 群馬大学 病態総合外科学
群馬大学 病態総合外科学 | 論文
- Esophageal Granular Cell Tumor Covered by Intramucosal Squamous Cell Carcinoma : Report of a Case
- Aberrant methylation status of known methylation-sensitive CpG islands in gastrointestinal stromal tumors without any correlation to the state of c-kit and PDGFRA gene mutations and their malignancy
- Lymphoepithelial Cyst of the Pancreas : Report of a Case
- Synergistic decline in expressions of p73 and p21 with invasion in esophageal cancers
- Aberrant Expression of pRb, p16, p14ARF, MDM2, p21 and p53 in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Lung