群馬大学 病態総合外科学 | 論文
- Esophageal Granular Cell Tumor Covered by Intramucosal Squamous Cell Carcinoma : Report of a Case
- Aberrant methylation status of known methylation-sensitive CpG islands in gastrointestinal stromal tumors without any correlation to the state of c-kit and PDGFRA gene mutations and their malignancy
- Lymphoepithelial Cyst of the Pancreas : Report of a Case
- Synergistic decline in expressions of p73 and p21 with invasion in esophageal cancers
- Aberrant Expression of pRb, p16, p14ARF, MDM2, p21 and p53 in Squamous Cell Carcinomas of Lung
- Immunohistopathological re-evaluation of adenocarcinoma of the lung with mixed subtypes using a tissue microarray technique and hierarchical clustering analysis
- Comparative study using rabbit-derived polyclonal, mouse-derived monoclonal, and rabbit-derived monoclonal antibodies for KIT immunostaining in GIST and other tumors
- Prognostic Model of Stage II Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by a Discriminant Analysis of the Immunohistochemical Protein Expression
- Unique case of pulmonary bronchial gland type tumor with broad spectrum of cell differentiation from the terminal duct-acinar unit to excretory duct
- Breast-Conserving Therapy Versus Modified Radical Mastectomy in the Treatment of Early Breast Cancer in Japan
- Recurrence of Breast Cancer Following Local Excision Alone for Ductal Carcinoma in situ
- Granular Cell Tumor of the Breast Diagnosed by Core Needle Biopsy: A Case Report
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumors and KIT-positive mesenchymal cells in the omentum
- Increasing 14-3-3 sigma expression with declining estrogen receptor α and estrogen-responsive finger protein expression defines malignant progression of endometrial carcinoma
- Papillary adenocarcinoma of the lung is a more advanced adenocarcinoma than bronchioloalveolar carcinoma that is composed of two distinct histological subtypes
- PKC theta, a novel immunohistochemical marker for gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), especially useful for identifying KIT-negative tumors
- Immunohistochemical expression of 14-3-3 sigma protein in various histological subtypes of uterine cervical cancers
- Immunohistochemical analysis of 14-3-3 sigma and related proteins in hyperplastic and neoplastic breast lesions, with particular reference to early carcinogenesis
- Immunohistochemical demonstration of 14-3-3 sigma protein in normal human tissues and lung cancers, and the preponderance of its strong expression in epithelial cells of squamous cell lineage
- Overexpression of p16 and p14ARF is associated with human papillomavirus infection in cervical squamous cell carcinoma and dysplasia