堀田 まり子 | 久留米大学医学部基本的臨床技能実習検討ワーキンググループ
論文 | ランダム
- ESR observation of optically generated solitons in the quasi-one-dimensional iodo-bridged diplatinum complex Pt_2(n-pentylCS_2)_4I
- Electronic Behavior of Calcined Material Obtained from a Tantalum-O-Phenylene-O Hybrid Copolymer
- Gain-of-Function Phenotypes of Chemically Synthetic CLAVATA3/ESR-Related (CLE) Peptides in Arabidopsis thaliana and Oryza sativa
- Expression patterns of Arabidopsis ERF VIII-b subgroup genes during in vitro shoot regeneration and effects of their overexpression on shoot regeneration efficiency
- Proanthocyanidin promotes free radical-scavenging activity in muscle tissues and plasma