伊勢 史郎 | Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST
Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST | 論文
- テルル化カドミウムナノ粒子の光エッチングに関する反応条件の研究
- Establishment of immortalized Schwann cells from Fabry mice and their low uptake of recombinant α-galactosidase
- Fabrication of High Performance Polymeric Microfluidic Device by a Simple Imprinting Method using a Photosensitive Sheet
- Fabrication of High Performance Polymeric Microfluidic Device by a Simple Imprinting Method using a Photosensitive Sheet
- Ru錯体を内封するイムノリポソームを組み合わせた電解発光センサによるBSAタンパクの迅速検出