小西 敏郎 | 診断群分類調査研究班・消化器外科グループ
論文 | ランダム
- Three-Dimensional Structure of the Purple Intermediate of Porcine Kidney D-Amino Acid Oxidase. Optimization of the Oxidative Half-Reaction through Alignment of the Product with Reduced Flavin1
- Mechanism for the Recognition and Activation of Substrate in Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase
- Structural and Mechanistic Studies on D-Amino Acid Oxidase・Substrate Complex: Implications of the Crystal Structure of Enzyme・Substrate Analog Complex
- Spectroscopic Studies of Rat Liver Acyl-CoA Oxidase with Reference to Recognition and Activation of Substrate^1
- Vegetative propagation of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) through tissue culture