輿水 ヒカル | 独立行政法人産業安全研究所 重点研究支援
論文 | ランダム
- Influence of High Dielectric Constant in Gate Insulator on Remote Coulomb Scattering due to Gate Impurities in Si MOS Inversion Layer
- Physical Origins of Surface Carrier Density Dependences of Interface- and Remote-Coulomb Scattering Mobility in Si MOS Inversion Layer
- Unified Roughness Scattering Model Incorporating Scattering Component Induced by Thickness Fluctuation in SOI MOSFETs
- Quantitative Understanding of Mobility Degradation in High Effective Electric Field Region in MOSFETs with Ultra-thin Gate Oxides
- Quantitative Examination of Mobility Lowering Associated with Ultrathin Gate Oxides in Silicon Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Inversion Layer