徳山 英一 | Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo | 論文
- Seasonal variations in abundance and biomass of picoplankton in an oyster-farming area of northern Japan
- Analysis of Nanoplankton Community Structure Using Flow Sorting and Molecular Techniques
- Phylotype-Specific Productivity of Marine Bacterial Populations in Eutrophic Seawater, as Revealed by Bromodeoxyuridine Immunocytochemistry Combined with Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
- Effects of acidified seawater on early life stages of scleractinian corals (Genus Acropora)
- 日本の海域から淡青丸によって採集された稀産リュウグウボタルガイ類 2 種(腹足綱 : マクラガイ科 : リュウグウボタルガイ亜科)