YAMAMOTO Sota | 論文著者
Yamamoto Sota
Dep. Of Mechanical Science & Engineering Nagoya University
Yamamoto Sota
Dep. of Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nagoya University
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Yamamoto Sota
Department of Mec hano-Informat ics and Systems, Nagoya University
Yamamoto Sota
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Nagoya Univeisity
Yamamoto Sota
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Yamamoto Sota
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Univeisity
Yamamoto Sota
Department Of Mechanical Science And Engineering Nagoya University
Yamamoto Sota
Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Nagoya University
Department of Mechano-Informatics & Systems, Nagoya University
Yamamoto Sota
Department of Mechano-Informatics & Systems, Nagoya University
Yamamoto Sota
Department of Mechano-Informatics and Systems, Nagoya University
Yamamoto Sota
Dept. of Mechano-Informatics and Systems, Nagoya Univ.
Yamamoto Sota
Kagoshima University Research Center for the Pacific Islands
Yamamoto Sota
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Yamamoto Sota
Laboratory Of Tropical Agriculture Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Yamamoto Sota
Laboratory of Tropical Agriculture, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Yamamoto Sota
Research Center For The Pacific Islands Kagoshima University
Yamamoto Sota
Research Center for the Pacific Islands, Kagoshima University