UEHATA Akimi | 論文著者
Uehata Akimi
1st Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Uehata Akimi
Department Of Cardiology Self Defense Central Hospital
Uehata Akimi
Department of Intensive Care Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Uehata Akimi
Department of Internal Medicine, Japan Self Defense Froce Sendai Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, National Defense Medical College
Uehata Akimi
Department of Internal Medicine, Self Defense Force Central Hospital
Uehata Akimi
Department of Internal Medicine, Self Defense Force Central Hospital|Departments of Cardiology
Uehata Akimi
First Department of Internal Medicine, Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital
Uehata Akimi
Internal Medicine, Self Defense Forces Central Hospital
Uehata Akimi
National Defense Medical College Research Institute, Division of Biomedical Engineering and Internal Medicine-1
National Defense Mediccal College, Department of Internal Medicine-1
Uehata Akimi
Self Defense Forces Central Hospital
Uehata Akimi
Self Defense Forces Central Hospital Internal Medicine
Uehata Akimi
Self Defense Forces Central Hospital, Internal Medicine
The 1st Department of Internal Medicine,National Defense Medical College
Uehata Akimi
The First Department of Internal Medicine National Defense Medical College