TAKEUCHI Yasue | 論文著者
Takeuchi Yasue
Chiba Prefectural Serum Institute
Takeuchi Yasue
Chiba Prefectural Serum Institute, Chiba
Takeuchi Yasue
Department Of Food And Nutrition Faculty Of Home Economics Kochi Women's University
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Home Economics, Kochi Women's University
Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Home Economics, Kochi Women's University
Takeuchi Yasue
Division of Virus and Rickettsia, National Institute of Health
Takeuchi Yasue
Japan Influenza Center, Division of Virology and Rickettsiology, National Institute of Health
Takeuchi Yasue
The Division of Virology and Rickettsilogy, National Institute of Health
Takeuchi Yasue
The Division of Virology and Rickettsiology, National Institute of Health
Takeuchi Yasue
The Division of Virus and Rickettsia, National Institute of Health
Takeuchi Yasue
The Divisiono f Virologya nd RickettsiologyN, ationalI nstitute of Health