Sakuma Masahito
Depaartment of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Osaka, Japan
SAKUMA Masahito
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tohoku University School of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Department of Nephrology, Hypertension and Endocrinology, Nihon University School of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Departments Of Cardiovascular Medicine Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Division Of Internal Medicine Onagawa Municipal Hospital
Sakuma Masahito
Division of Internal Medicine, Onagawa Municipal hospital
Sakuma Masahito
Emerg.&Crit.Care Med., Tohoku Univ.
SAKUMA Masahito
First Department of Internal Medicine.Tohoku University School of Medicine
SAKUMA Masahito
Institute for Experimental Animals, Kobe University School of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Internal Medicine Onagawa Municipal Hospital
Sakuma Masahito
Internal Medicine, Onagawa Municipal Hospital
Sakuma Masahito
Internal Medicine, Onagawa Municipal Hospital, Onagawa, Japan
Sakuma Masahito
Japanese Society of Pulmonary Emboism Research
Sakuma Masahito
Nihon University School Of Medicine
Sakuma Masahito
Onagawa Town Hospital