KOSAKA Shigemi
Department of Internal Medicine, Research Institute for Tuberculosis and Cancer, Tohoku University
Dept. of Intern. Med.. Res. Inst. for Tubercul. and Leprosy, Tohoku Univ.
Kosaka Shigemi
Division Of Cardiology Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital
KOSAKA Shigemi
Division of Cardiology, Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital
Kosaka Shigemi
Res,Inst. for Tubercul., Leprosy and Cancer, Tohoku Univ
Kosaka Shigemi
Research Inst. for Tub. & Can. Tohoku Univ., College of Med. Sci
KOSAKA Shigemi
Semine Prefectural Hospital
KOSAKA Shigemi
Sendai Kosei Hospital
Kosaka Shigemi
The Res. Inst. Tbc. Lepr. & Cancer Tohoku Univ.
KOSAKA Shigemi
The Res. Inst. Tbc., Lepr. & Cancer, TOHOKU UNIV.
Kosaka Shigemi
The Rescarch inst, of TBf College of Med. Scool
Kosaka Shigemi
The Research Inst. For Chest Diseases