KIM Jae-Young | 論文著者
Kim Jae-Young
Accident Prevention and Assessment Division, National Institute of Chemical Safety, Ministry of Environment
KIM Jae-Young
Advanced Process Team, Memory R&D Division, Hyundai Electronics Industries Co. Ltd.
Kim Jae-young
Department Of Biochemistry School Of Dentistry Kyungpook National University
Kim Jae-Young
Department of Biochemistry, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University
Kim Jae-young
Department Of Computer Science And Engineering Postech
Kim Jae-Young
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Korea
Kim Jae-young
Dept. Of Environ. Eng. Chungbuk Nat'l Univ.
KIM Jae-Young
Division in Anatomy and Developmental Biology, Department of Oral Biology, Oral Science Research Cen
Kim Jae-young
Etri (electronics And Telecommunications Research Institute
KIM Jae-Young
ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
Kim Jae-Young
Greenhouse Gas Research Laboratory, Korea Institute of Energy Research
Kim Jae-young
Institutefor Occupational And Environmental Health Korea University
KIM Jae-young
Institutefor Occupational and Environmental Health, Korea University
Kim Jae-young
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Kim Jae-Young
Korea Solid Wastes Engineering Society
Kim Jae-young
Makus Inc.
KIM Jae-Young
Makus, Inc.
KIM Jae-Young
Microsystem Integration Laboratories, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
Kim Jae-Young
Nano System Lab., Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology(SAIT)
KIM Jae-Young
NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories,NTT Corporation