ITO TEIZO | 論文著者
ITO Teizo
First Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
ITO Teizo
First Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Ito Teizo
Imperial House Hold Agency
Imperial Household Agency
Ist Div., Dept. of Intern. Med. (Prof. Y. Yoshitoshi), Facul of Med. University of Tokyo, TOKYO
ITO Teizo
Section of Cardiology, Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital
ITO Teizo
The 11rd Department of Internal Medicine,Toho University
Ito Teizo
The 3rd Department Of Internal Medicine Toho University
Ito Teizo
The 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Toho University
ITO Teizo
The 9rd Department of internal Medicine, Toho University
ITO Teizo
The Tasaka Clinic, Tokyo University Hospital
Ito Teizo
Univ. of Southern California