Japan Stroke Prevention Center. Izumo,Department of Neurosurgery Faculty of Medlcme Kyoto Unversity
HORIE Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center|Departemnt of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
HORIE Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center|Department of Neurosurgery Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
HORIE Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center|Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center|Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
HORIE Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center|Departments of Neurosurgery Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
HORIE Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center|Departments of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University
Horie Ryoichi
Japan Stroke Prevention Center|Shimane Medical University
Horie Ryoichi
Horie Ryoichi
Shimane Medical University and Japan Stroke Prevention Center
Shimane Medical University, Izumo
HORIE Ryoichi
The Department of Neurosurgery,Tenri Hospital
Horie Ryoichi
WHO Collaborating Center for Research on Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and Department of Pathology, Shimane Medical University
Horie Ryoichi
WHO Collaborating Center for Research on Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Japan Stroke Prevention Center and Shimane Medical University
Horie Ryoichi
WHO Collaborating Center for Research on Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Shimane Medical University